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Remove background from Image using CSS only

In this beginner-friendly blog post, we will learn how to remove the background from an image using only CSS, specifically the mix-blend-mode property. This technique is useful for creating interesting visual effects and improving the performance of your website by reducing the need for edited images. Why this trick is important?When you download a .png file, you might expect it to have a transparent background. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a .png file might have a solid background color, such as white or black.In such cases, you can use the mix-blend-mode property to remove the solid background color and create the appearance of a transparent background. What is mix-blend-mode?mix-blend-mode is a CSS property that defines how the content of an element should blend with the content of the element's parent and its background. With this, you can create nice blends and colors for parts of an element's content depending on its direct background Checkout this
18 May 2023