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GitHub Enterprise Server adds deployment rollout controls

By Paul KrillEditor at Large, InfoWorld |GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12, now generally available, introduces tag patterns for restricting deployment rollouts to GitHub Actions environments. The new release also introduces merge queues, a feature that automates pull request merges.Announced March 6, GitHub Enterprise Server can be downloaded from the 3.12 version, developers can restrict deployment rollouts to select tag patterns in GitHub Actions environments. By configuring certain tags or tag patterns on protected environments, users can restrict which branches and tags can be deployed to those environments.Version 3.12 also allows developers to automate pull request merges using merge queues. Merge queues automate the process of validating and merging pull requests into a busy branch, ensuring that the branch does not get broken and reducing time to merge, GitHub said.GitHub Enterprise Server is a self-hosted platform for software development within an enterprise, leveraging Git version control. Other improvements in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12:Next read this:Paul Krill is an editor at large at InfoWorld, whose coverage focuses on application development.Copyright © 2024 IDG Communications, Inc.Copyright © 2024 IDG Communications, Inc.
07 March 2024